Children and Teddy Bears Used to Manipulate Ohio Senate on Heartbeat Ban
Next, the supporters will tell the senate every day they don't vote, a kitten will be drowned...
The supporters of a bill that would ban abortion in Ohio from the point in which a heartbeat can be detected — as early as four weeks post conception — seem to be getting a little impatient with the senate’s reluctance to vote on the bill.
To add a little pressure, they’ve brought some new props to the Statehouse: little children and teddy bears.
Via The Daily Record:
“I’m here to save babies with beating hearts,” Christian, barely tall enough to peer over a podium, told a packed committee hearing room. “And I want to tell the senators to pass the Heartbeat Bill right now. And when I mean right now, I mean right now.”
The youngster was one of more than 50 children who were in Columbus Tuesday as part of the latest attempt by backers of the Heartbeat Bill to convince lawmakers to pass the legislation.
They had a press conference with reporters, held a faux committee hearing showing lawmakers how to vote in favor of the bill and delivered Teddy bears, complete with real heartbeat sound chip, to all 33 Ohio senators.
“Do not believe the stuff the people tell you at the abortion clinic,” said 11-year-old Sydney McCauley. “The [sic] just say it’s a blob of tissue, and that is not the truth. That blob of tissue is actually forming into a baby.”
She added, “Think if someone aborted you. That would be a whole generation of people who (would not) be able to live their lives.”
Senators say they plan to discuss the bill during an upcoming retreat.