ACLU Will Challenge New Restrictions in Ohio
The American Civil Liberties Union is already planning court challenges in Ohio even though the actual bills have yet to be signed into law.

The American Civil Liberties Union has announced intentions to file suits against two new abortion bans that may be passed in Ohio, the “heartbeat ban” and banning insurance from covering abortions.
Gary Daniels, associate director of ACLU of Ohio, said his group believes both bills are unconstitutional, and the organization has pledged to fight them should the measures become law.
“Like we have always done, we will be there in court to defend the reproductive rights of Ohio’s women,” Daniels said.
Daniels contends the bill on abortion coverage violates a voter-backed state constitutional amendment that says no law or rule should prohibit the purchase or sale of health care or health insurance. The same legal argument could potentially be applied to the heartbeat bill, he said, adding that the organization’s lawyers would continue to explore other legal issues with both measures.
The constitutional amendment was approved by voters during last month’s election.
Of course, since the “heartbeat ban” supporters are only pushing the bill so that they can provoke a court case, this news is likely music to their ears.