New Jersey University Hires More Staff To Cover Nurses Who Won’t Come Near Abortion Patients
As a result of the twelve nurses who refuse to provide any sort of service to patients obtaining abortions, the medical center will need to hire additional staff.
Twelve nurses at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey have argued that conscience clause rules allow them to opt out of absolutely any sort of contact with a patient having an abortion — even standard care such as taking blood pressures or checking a temperature. As a result of the nurses suing the University for asking them to assist in even the most mundane of pre and post op tasks that would be required for any patient, the center is now being forced to hire additional staff.
The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey will hire additional staff to help perform abortions after a group of nurses claimed they were forced to participate in the procedures despite religious objections, the university said Friday night.
“No nurse is compelled to have direct involvement in a procedure to which she or he objects based on his/her cultural values, ethics and/or religious beliefs,” university spokesman Jeffrey Tolvin said in a statement. “At the same time, we needed to find a solution that is in the best interest of the patients we serve. We are therefore hiring additional staff who will provide care to our full complement of patients.”
Some of the actions the nurses declare amounts to “assisting in an abortion”? Filling out paperwork, or even walking a patient to the door once she has recovered.