Pregnant Occupy Protester Miscarries After Being Beaten and Sprayed by Police
Crooks and Liars is reporting that 19-year old Jennifer Fox, who was beaten and sprayed last Thursday at the same OWS demonstration in which an 84-year old woman was sprayed, miscarried her three-month fetus on Sunday.
As someone who lost a three-month pregnancy, I am broken-hearted for this young woman. I weep tears of rage. I am trying to think of something eloquent to say, but all that will come right now is a howl of shame and disgust at what this country is doing to its people.
When I was 27, I was three months pregnant with Saoirse. The U.S. had just declared war on Iraq in 1991, and I marched many times while pregnant against the war. I thought that I had moral capital, carrying life inside me and protesting against the loss of life.
This poor woman has had the life within her crushed by police brutality. By the brutality of a system that feels threatened.
I mourn with her.
Here is the link. It appears to be broken, although you can access the link from the front page. Pregnant miscarries
From the article:
Seattle Post-Intelligencer photographer Joshua Trujillo snapped a picture of Fox in apparent agony as another activist carried her to an ambulance.
Seattle fire department spokesman Kyle Moore told The Washington Post that a 19-year-old pregnant woman was among those that were examined by paramedics.
While doctors at Harborview Medical Center didn’t see any problems at the time, things took a turn for the worst Sunday.
“Everything was going okay until yesterday, when I started getting sick, cramps started, and I felt like I was going to pass out,” she explained.
When Fox arrived at the hospital, doctors told her that the baby had no heartbeat.
“They diagnosed that I was having a miscarriage. They said the damage was from the kick and that the pepper spray got to it [the fetus], too,” she said.
“I was worried about it [when I joined the protests], but I didn’t know it would be this bad. I didn’t know that a cop would murder a baby that’s not born yet… I am trying to get lawyers.”
I will update this story as more information becomes available.