
Mormons To Church: You Don’t Control My Body!

When it comes to abortion, birth control, and sterilization, a surprising number of Mormons say the church doesn't need to be involved.

It is by no means a scientifically valid survey, yet it is still surprising how many Mormons responded to an online poll by stating that the church leaders do not need to be consulted when it comes to decisions like birth control, sterilization, or even abortion.

Via the Salt Lake Tribune:

“The notion of having to talk to one’s bishop regarding birth control flies against everything that has been taught over the pulpit and in Ensign articles in the last three decades,” writes one woman, who goes by Naismith. “I had not yet served in a position where I had access to a handbook when we sought sterilization (in our late 30s, after 5 kids), but my husband had. So I asked him why we had not consulted the bishop, and he said that since we were sure, and had prayed and were not doing this on a whim or prematurely, there was no need to consult the bishop.”

Indeed, Naismith wrote, “the confirmation that it was the correct step to take was one of the sweetest spiritual experiences of my life, so I resent having that memory soiled by the implication that I was rebellious in not seeking counsel.”

According to the online polling results, more than 90 percent of respondents said they would not feel obligated to consult the church bishops before sterilization, and almost 70 percent said they would not talk to them before getting an abortion in the case of rape, incest, or woman’s health.