Forced to Perform Abortions? Who’s Telling the Truth?
A group of nurses say they are being forced to perform abortions against their wills. The hospital says they are not.
Conscience clauses have long been in effect for medical staff who do not wish to participate in performing an abortion. But at the University of Medicine and Dentistry (UMDNJ) in Newark, New Jersey, a group of nurses says the hospital is violating the law.
In their legal filing, the nurses say that a supervising nurse insisted that all of her staff nurses be trained in terminating pregnancies and be ready to participate in them. Vinoya said it was in direct opposition to her beliefs, and to the reasons why she entered the medical field in the first place. “I am committed to preserving life, saving life, and I think elective abortion is murder,” she said.
“They’re being forced to choose between their faith and their job,” Demetrios Stratis, the Fair Lawn attorney for the nurses, told PIX11 News. “In these economic times, that’s a very difficult choice to make.”
The hospital says that no one is being forced to participate and that “No nurse is compelled to have direct involvement in, and/or attendance in the room at the time of, a procedure to which she or he objects based on his/her cultural values, ethics and/or religious beliefs. The University is in full compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and is confident its position will be vindicated when the court gives this matter a full hearing.”
So, who is lying? Once it reaches court, we’ll find out.