Leading Virginia State Senate Candidate Once Called Birth Control “Baby Pesticides”
Virginia could end up even more anti-woman, depending on the election's outcome.

Virginia’s Dick Black may not be elected to the state senate yet, but there’s no doubt that the folks currently serving already know him well. As an active anti-choice activist, Black has made a name for himself as a Delegate, from pushing to allow pharmacies to refuse to sell birth control to sending pink plastic fetuses to colleagues to convince them to vote for anti-choice legislation.
And in case that wasn’t extreme enough, Black once called birth control “baby pesticides.”
Via The Washington Times:
“Anything designed to kill a child, which I define as a living organism with the DNA of Homo sapiens, is unacceptable,” said Delegate Richard H. Black, Loudoun County Republican.
Mr. Black said, aside from the morality of the issue, he is concerned that birth control is contributing to a low birth rate in the United States and called contraceptives “baby pesticides.”
Black is currently leading in the race for the state senate seat. The election will be held November 8th.