“Abortion Hurts Men” Campaign Continuing
Anti-choice advocates are making an effort to convince men to stop their partners from terminating pregnancies.
Between new billboards and new public speakers, it’s becoming more clear that the next wave of the anti-choice war is to recruit men to talk their partners out of abortions.
Which is why this new “study” is no shock, and probably the first of many to be released in the next year.
Via National Right to Life News:
“…[T]his study adds new depth to our understanding of this neglected population. The recurring meaning of abortion for the men in this study was that of profound loss and a common reaction to that loss was anger. The men experienced significant, multiple losses related to relationships with their partners, their masculine identify, their self of self-esteem or self-worth, and fatherhood. For some men, the abortion raised issues related to disappointment in their own fathers as well as to perceptions of themselves as fathers. For all of the men, abortion entailed a much more complex loss than has generally been recognized.”
The authors freely admit the limitations—the number is small and is comprised of men “who self-identify as having been harmed by the experience.” They call for more investigation. But they also make a very important statement:
“This may or may not represent a minority of men, since the prevalence of men who experience significant psychological sequelae after abortion is not known at this time.”
Yet another avenue to cutting off a woman’s right to choose — partner coerced pregnancy. Ironic, since the most recent set of state restrictions pushed by the anti-choice advocates were reminding a woman that it is illegal for a partner to coerce you into ending a pregnancy.
But it’s only coercion if you are being talked out of motherhood, as anti-choicers in South Dakota have proven over and over again.