Minnesota Gets A “Randall Terry” Candidate
Lucky me. I guess I get to watch abortion commercials in 2012.
When Randall Terry issued his master plan to recruit candidates to run for office solely to get graphic anti-choice ads on the television, I have to admit that I was annoyed. But I didn’t care that much, since I doubted that it would really affect me.
So I guess I’m getting my comeuppance now. He found a candidate in my district.
Via The Minnesota Independent:
Anti-abortion activist Gary Boisclair announced on Saturday that he is challenging Rep. Keith Ellison for the DFL primary. But Boisclair’s campaign isn’t about defeating Ellison, it’s about exploiting a campaign loophole that will force Twin Cities media outlets to air explicit anti-abortion advertising. Boisclair works for Society for Truth and Justice, a group that opposes abortion whose employees are registering to campaign in elections across the country.
Boischair is the latest member of the Society for Truth and Justice (STJ) to launch a primary challenge. David Lewis, a lobbyist for the Washington, D.C.-based STJ, announced in late-September that he is challenging House Speaker Jon Boehner in Ohio for the Republican primary. Lewis doesn’t live in the district and says he will move there if elected.
The idea that any candidate could unseat current Rep. Keith Ellison in our district is laughable, and that one could do it from the right is even more so. Which I suppose is what makes the situation ripe for a “cause” candidate like Boisclair. Ironically, Boisclair calls himself a “Pro-Life, Tea-Party activist” in his own bio, which makes primarying Ellison even more laughable. But hey, it’s all about the ads, right?
Good thing I don’t actually watch live TV.