
“A Lecture About The Joys of Adoption and a Pamphlet on Eternal Salvation”

A fantastic editorial in the New York Times about crisis pregnancy centers.

Every day, more legislatures are trying to pass money to so called “crisis pregnancy centers,” while defunding clinics that provide birth control, STI screenings and health exams due to their affiliation with abortions.

In the New York Times Op-Ed section, reproductive health advocate Katie Stack tells about her own experience with crisis pregnancy centers and their pressures and deceptions.  And Stack isn’t alone:

Since then I’ve talked with dozens of women, including my best friend and my younger sister, about their own experiences with these centers. Regardless of our views on abortion, our conclusion about crisis pregnancy centers is the same — they don’t help women. My sister fully intended to raise her own son, who is now 2, but when she was pregnant and went to a center for advice, all she got was a lecture about the joys of adoption and a pamphlet on eternal salvation. She had to turn to Planned Parenthood to receive any actual prenatal health care or referrals.

Be sure to read the full article here.