
Wisconsin GOP Says They’ll Focus On Economy This Session

You know, like they promised last session, too...

WI Gov. Scott Walker with Jeff & Scott Fitzgerald at a press conference in Madison, WI. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Despite rolling back numerous reproductive health gains like contraceptive access and sex ed, and the prominent backing of many in the state legislature of Pro-Life Wisconsin, an anti-choice group against not just all forms of abortion but birth control, too, the Wisconsin GOP promises this time, they really are going to just focus on jobs.

No, really.

Via the Times Union:

Republican leaders in the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly said they intend to focus on jobs and the economy, not hot button social issues like abortion, during the Legislature’s fall session that begins Tuesday but that likely won’t start in earnest until late October.

“I’m not going to go out of my way to kick the cat and generate a lot of animosity,” said Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.

Added his brother, Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald: “I don’t think you’re going to see anything too contentious brought to the floor. … We’re not going to lead with a bunch of social issues or anything.”

Anti-choice advocates in the state have already publicized their wish list for the session, which includes mandatory ultrasounds and a ban on research involving “fetal body parts.”