
“Grim Reaper” Asks For An End To Clinic Buffer Zone

Apparently the Prince of Death thinks the clinic protection zones are too big.

Abortion protesters in Massachusetts are unhappy about the 35 feet “protest free” buffer zone they have had to put up with at abortion clinics, and they are once more filing suit, claiming it doesn’t really supply “adequate means for protesters to send their messages to anyone visiting an abortion clinic.”

According to the protesters, the Grim Reaper apparently is not as effective of a deterrent when he’s too far away from the clinic door.

[T]he protesters have made their presence known in other ways, [Kenneth W. Salinger, an assistant state attorney general,] said. They have yelled out, “Your baby has a heartbeat,’’ and waved signs reading, “They’re killing babies here.’’

Some protesters routinely wave 8-foot tall crucifixes, and one often dresses as the Grim Reaper, Salinger said.

“A lot of people just have no interest in the message people are offering,’’ Salinger said. “They don’t need to pay attention to [the protesters’] message if they don’t want to.’’

Man, you know it’s a tough crowd when even the Grim Reaper can get a conversation flowing.