Tim Pawlenty reflected on his legislative record which he felt led to “abortion at historic lows,” bragging that based on:
“These results, not rhetoric, I may be the most pro-life candidate in this race.”
The candidates clearly do not understand any facts related to abortion (I suspect they don’t care, they’re just after sound bites and money). But seriously, if you are going to discuss a topic then learn about it beforehand. First of all, abortion does not victimize women. The rate of serious complications is less than 0.3 percent and study after study shows no effect on mental health. If I were the moderator I would have asked for clarification from Mr. Santorum for his definition of victimization and to provide medical evidence to prove it.
And Mr. Pawlenty, legislation has little to no effect on abortion rates. The highest abortion rates are in Eastern and Middle Africa, where it is largely illegal. In Canada, where abortion is legal and free the rate is actually lower than the United States. What restrictive laws have done for American women is raise the price of the procedure and/or made access more difficult. In fact 58 percent of women say they would have liked to have their abortion sooner, with 68 percent of women indicating the time it took to raise the money as a major factor.
The most restrictive abortion laws in this country have been enacted within the past 5 years. The abortion rate has, however, remained stable (graph courtesy of the Guttmacher Institute).