Summer Of Mercy 2.0 Launches With Ultrasound Movies
Nothing like giant fetuses in the womb to get an anti-choice crowd all excited.
The Summer of Mercy 2.0 activities have launched in Maryland at Dr. Leroy Carhart’s clinic, and like all good anti-choice events, it kicked off with a little fetal worship.
Via the Washington Post:
The abortion foes also held their own walk Sunday near the clinic, praying as they did so. Later they held a rally in a Gaithersburg church, during which two women — one 18 weeks pregnant and one 23 weeks pregnant — received ultrasound exams that were projected on a 20-by-20-foot screen, said the Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition.
They gathered around to watch pregnant women get public ultrasounds on a giant screen so they could check out the babies the women are carrying.
No wonder the right to privacy seems like such a little issue to them.