Ohio Heartbeat Bill On Hold Until Fall
Although the bill passed the House, there will be no action in the senate until sometime in the fall.
Voting on passage of the Ohio “Heartbeat” Bill, a law that would ban abortions that happen once a heartbeat can be detected — as early as 18 day post conception in some cases and almost always by 6 weeks, is on hold until this fall, when the senate will then take up the measure.
Proponents of the ban say that a heartbeat is the perfect way to discern when life begins and when abortion can no longer be an option, although conception is still the best point overall.
Via the Marietta Times:
Pro-life supporter Barbara Hintz, 75, of Marietta, said she supports the Heartbeat Bill, but would like to see all abortions end.
“This is a good bill and it is a step in the right direction,” she said. “A heartbeat represents life but conception should be the landmark. That’s when you become human.”
A co-sponsor of the bill, Ohio Rep. Andy Thompson, R-Marietta, said the bill defines a heartbeat as life. Currently, abortions in the state are legal until a fetus is considered viable, which is generally 22 to 24 weeks gestation.
“This bill creates a pretty basic standard,” Thompson said. “A heartbeat is life.”
Ohio still has a large number of other anti-abortion bills to challenge in court first — most recently a 20 week abortion ban that has no exceptions for rape, incest or health of the mother.