Jindal Signs “Pro-Information” Bill Today
The Lousiana governor signs a bill requiring all clinics and websites to state that it is illegal to coerce a woman into an abortion, and that there are choices other than abortion.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal made a Baptist Church the scene of his special ceremony to sign new abortion restrictions into state law.
Via The News Star:
Governor Bobby Jindal is expected at First Baptist Church of West Monroe at 4:30 p.m. today to sign HB 636 – a Governor’s Package Bill – that requires women to be informed of their specific legal rights and options before they undergo an abortion procedure.
The bill would require a website, as well as signs posted in abortion clinics, to inform women about abortion alternatives.
Other informational tidbits and alternatives include reminding her that a father has to pay child support and that if she continues her pregnancy a couple wanting to adopt her baby may offer to pay for her medical care.