It Was 40 Years Ago Today…
This flashback article from the Guardian is a reminder of how abortion has changed in the last four decades.
Forty years ago in Great Britain, abortions were expensive, more dangerous, and required over night stays in a clinic. But due to “experiments” in New York after the illegality of abortion was overruled, the U.K. was discovering that there could be an easier, safer way to provide them.
Via the Guardian:
The technique involves the insertion of a thin tube into the womb and sucking out its contents. It is a considerable refinement on the vacuum aspiration method because it does not involve the stretching of the cervix on insertion, and calls only for a local anaesthetic at the most. At the moment, private abortion clinic requirements laid down by Sir Keith Joseph, Secretary for Social Services, say women should remain in the clinic overnight after an abortion. This means they are limited to one abortion per bed per day. But if this rule is relaxed, clinics could carry out abortions for £30 a time.
The whole article is worth a read to remember how great of a change having access to less dangerous, affordable abortion really is.