Indiana Planned Parenthood Clinics Furlough Staff To Avoid Closing Clinics
In the hopes that the courts will overturn the state's funding ban, local Planned Parenthoods are having staff take unpaid leave rather than close the doors.
In an effort to keep as many clinic doors open as possible until courts make a final ruling on Indiana’s state ban on Planned Parenthood funds, the local clinics are taking drastic steps, from refusing to see any patient on Medicaid to furloughing staff.
Via the Evansville Courier and Press:
As Planned Parenthood of Indiana waits for a court ruling on a new Indiana anti-abortion law, its 28 clinics will stop seeing Medicaid patients.
Betty Cockrum, the organization’s president, said Monday was a day for tough decisions as what could amount to $1.4 million per year in government dollars continues to trickle away from Planned Parenthood of Indiana.
Most of its clinics, including the one in Evansville, will close up shop Wednesday as workers take an unpaid day off. It’s an alternative Cockrum announced to the original plan, which involved closing down seven clinics for good.
“The one-day furlough should allow us to save enough money to keep our doors open during this brief window between now and the expected ruling by July 1,” Cockrum said.
A ruling on the new ban is expected by the end of the month. Indiana Planned Parenthood has been getting by in the meantime primarily with assistance from private donors, who have stepped up during the Republican assault on the health care provider.