Texas Ditches Generic Language, Goes Straight For Planned Parenthood
The legislature removes defunding language that could hurt the medical groups they don't want punished for performing abortions, but makes sure to keep Planned Parenthood restrictions in their bills.
Texas legislators have decided to relax their mission to end access to abortion in the state and spend their efforts focusing on the real enemy.
Planned Parenthood.
Via the Dallas News:
On a Medicaid cost containment bill, Senate negotiators removed language by Rep. Jim Landtroop, R-Plainview, that would have cut off state funds to hospitals and clinics that perform abortions and “abortion-related services.” The latter phrase wasn’t defined, and began to draw fire for being so broad it could harm health care providers who aren’t in the sights of anti-abortion rights activists.
“You couldn’t implement that,” said Sen. Jane Nelson, author of the larger bill, which expands Medicaid managed care and allows copayments to be charged if Medicaid recipients inappropriately use a hospital emergency room. “You would be in a lawsuit.” She said that negotiators substituted for Landtroop’s language a provision, very similar to budget language about distribution of family planning money, that would give other health care providers priority over Planned Parenthood clinics if birth control and health screenings for women are continued.
So in case it isn’t clear, the war isn’t on abortion — they’ll let some things pass by to avoid a lawsuit if necessary. It’s always been and always will be about ending Planned Parenthood.