
New York Proposes Teaching About “Safe Haven” Laws In School

Recent actions involving harm to babies of teen moms has the health department moving for more education on how to give over an unwanted child.

Two recent cases of moms attempting to harm babies that they didn’t want has health officials in New York discussing the possibility of educating students about the state’s “safe haven” laws as part of the curriculum.

Via NBC New York:

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, State Sen. Eric Adams and State Assemblyman Hakim Jeffries are proposing state legislation requiring the change to high school health curriculum.

The officials envision students being taught in public school about so-called “safe haven laws,” which allow a parent to leave a newborn anonymously without prosecution as long as the newborn is abandoned in a safe way.

Parents do not face charges if they bring a newborn to a hospital, police station or fire station that is staffed.

Safe Haven laws are put in place to allow a new mother to turn over a baby, no questions asked, in order to save him or her from harm.  But with the push from many not to even discuss sex in schools, much less ways to avoid pregnancy, is it more likely that they will allow “ditching newborns” into the lesson plans?