Santorum: Planned Parenthood “Not Far” From Its “Poisonous Roots”
The presidential contender states he's certain the group is trying to kill off "undesirables."

Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum isn’t content blaming abortion for the “need to reform” social security. Now, he’s claiming that states should continue their efforts to try and defund Planned Parenthood because they are probably practicing eugenics.
Via Talking Points Memo:
…Santorum doesn’t think the Planned Parenthood of today is much different from the age of Sanger’s controversial views. He called on Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) to sign a bill in his state that would “defund” Planned Parenthood for Hoosiers, pointing to what he calls the group’s shady past and sketchy present.
“I can’t imagine any other organization with its roots as poisonous as the roots of Planned Parenthood getting federal funding of any kind,” Santorum said. “This is an organization that was founded on the eugenics movement, founded on racism — I mean, it’s horrific. It’s origins are horrific. And you can say, ‘well it’s not that anymore.’ It’s not far from where it was in my opinion.”
“They’ve stayed in that same general area of saying that there are certain people in society that we should — you heard Ruth Bader Ginsburg say it in her comments about you know “undesirables” in society,” he said. “I just don’t think that’s what federal government or state government money should be going to.”
So, to draw the next logical step, Santorum should propose that all Title X funding should be stopped and put in the Social Security fund.