Florida Rep. Scott Randolph — Defender of Uterus
The Florida represenative has tried, unsuccessfully, to curb Republicans' desire to overregulate all things reproductive.
If there ever was a politician to be named Defender of the Uterus, surely it should be Florida Representative Scott Randolph. Chastised for making Republicans admit that they believe uterus is a dirty word that should not be used on the legislative floor — despite their ceaseless desire to regulate its every action and inaction — Randolph appears to have made it his singular quest to try and demand some sort of reproductive rights for women.
Unfortunately, his efforts keep failing.
The Florida Independent reports:
Rep. Scott Randolph, D-Orlando, introduced seven amendments. Four of his measures sought to expand the exceptions for bans on public funding for abortion to a woman who faces a “serious risk to her health” — and not just to a woman who will die if she does not end her pregnancy. #
Randolph also sought to add language to the Choose Life, Inc. license plate bill. The amendment would require that “agencies that receive the funds [from purchase of the license plates] must use at least 70 percent of the funds to provide for the material needs of pregnant women who are making an adoption plan for their children committed to placing their children for adoption, including, but not limited to, clothing, housing, medical care, food, utilities, and transportation.” The bill’s original language does not specify how much of the funds should be used on actual services for women. #
A second amendment proposed by Randolph to the Choose Life, Inc. license plates bill, would require that “agencies that receive license plate funds must provide medically accurate information and materials with reference sources for any and all statements of a medical nature.” Crisis pregnancy centers in Florida that receive funds from Choose Life, Inc. have been found to distribute scientifically inaccurate information in the past. There was no provision in the original bill that required these agencies to support medically accurate information. #
But every single amendment proposed by Randolph, or any other Democrat trying to offer protections for women while Florida passes their onslaught of anti-choice bill, was voted down.
Thanks for fighting, Rep. Randolph.