
Florida Rep. Scott Randolph — Defender of Uterus

The Florida represenative has tried, unsuccessfully, to curb Republicans' desire to overregulate all things reproductive.

If there ever was a politician to be named Defender of the Uterus, surely it should be Florida Representative Scott Randolph.  Chastised for making Republicans admit that they believe uterus is a dirty word that should not be used on the legislative floor — despite their ceaseless desire to regulate its every action and inaction — Randolph appears to have made it his singular quest to try and demand some sort of reproductive rights for women.

Unfortunately, his efforts keep failing.

The Florida Independent reports:

Rep. Scott Randolph, D-Orlando, introduced seven amendments. Four of his measures sought to expand the exceptions for bans on public funding for abortion to a woman who faces a “serious risk to her health” — and not just to a woman who will die if she does not end her pregnancy. #

But every single amendment proposed by Randolph, or any other Democrat trying to offer protections for women while Florida passes their onslaught of anti-choice bill, was voted down.

Thanks for fighting, Rep. Randolph.