Uterus Now Officially a Dirty Word in Florida
A Florida state representative is chastized for using the word "uterus" on the floor as some may find it offensive.
Well, if nothing else, it explains why Republicans have been trying so hard to regulate it so much — a Florida representative was admonished by his GOP counterparts for using the word “uterus” on the floor during a debate.
Via TampaBay.com:
At one point [Democratic State Representitive Scott] Randolph suggested that his wife “incorporate her uterus” to stop Republicans from pushing measures that would restrict abortions. Republicans, after all, wouldn’t want to further regulate a Florida business.
Apparently the GOP leadership of the House didn’t like the one-liner.
They told Democrats that Randolph is not to discuss body parts on the House floor.
Even better, Randolph was told that he needed to watch his mouth because there may have been guests who were present who may be offended or, more importantly, young children, such as pages, who might be corrupted by such language.
House GOP spokeswoman Katie Betta: “The Speaker has been clear about his expectations for conduct on the House for during debate. At one point during the debate, he mentioned to the entire House that members of both parties needed to be mindful of decorum during debate.
“Additionally, the Speaker believes it is important for all Members to be mindful of and respectful to visitors and guests, particularly the young pages and messengers who are seated in the chamber during debates. In the past, if the debate is going to contain language that would be considered inappropriate for children and other guests, the Speaker will make an announcement in advance, asking children and others who may be uncomfortable with the subject matter to leave the floor and gallery.”
To be fair, with the state of sex ed as of late, many of those kids probably wouldn’t even know what a uterus is.
Luckily, now the uterus is on Facebook, so teens can get slightly more familiar with them. Yes, I like the uterus.