
Morning Roundup: Anti-choice Group Can Intervene in Oklahoma Lawsuit

Anti-choice group intervenes in CRR's OK ultrasound lawsuit, Virginia moves to repeal mandatory HPV vaccine, protesters scare woman away from Planned Parenthood and she ends up at Gosnell's office, and please enjoy a bible if you're pregnant and scared.

Anti-choice group intervenes in CRR’s OK ultrasound lawsuit, Virginia moves to repeal mandatory HPV vaccine, protesters scare woman away from Planned Parenthood and she ends up at Gosnell’s office, and please enjoy a bible if you’re pregnant and scared.

  • A judge in Oklahoma has allowed the American Victims of Abortion (a project of the National Right to Life) to intervene in a lawsuit filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights challenging a mandatory ultrasound law in that state. Operation Outcry and three Oklahoma women were denied the opportunity to intervene in the case.
  • Virginia’s house of delegates has passed a bill that would repeal a 2007 law that required girls to be vaccinated against HPV before entering sixth grade. Washington, DC, is the only other jurisdiction that requires the vaccine. Repeal of the law is unlikely, although interesting that the reason for the repeal is said to be both concerns over the safety of the vaccine and the rise of the tea party.
  • A woman who had an abortion performed by Kermit Gosnell says that she went to his clinic because she was scared of the protesters outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood.
  • An Iowa church is giving out free bibles to pregnant women who visit crisis pregnancy centers. People can buy a bible, write a message, and sign their name. Lovely, but what about food, diapers, health insurance, child care, heat, electricity, or clothing?

Jan 21