Morning Roundup: (VIDEO) Oprah’s Teen Pregnancy
Oprah's story of teen pregnancy and suicidal thoughts, emergency contraception in Ireland, SBA List scores the health care repeal, and the ACLU is doing what?
Oprah’s story of teen pregnancy and suicidal thoughts, emergency contraception in Ireland, SBA List scores the health care repeal, and the ACLU is doing what?
- Oprah Winfrey shares her personal experience of teen pregnancy at age fourteen in a powerful CNN interview. In it, she tells of her plans of suicide before the baby was born. Her child died at the hospital, which she calls her “second chance.”
- Boots Pharmacy in Ireland has announced it will begin selling emergency contraception under a blanket prescription. While objectors include those who believe Ireland would “cease to be one of the last outposts of moral society,” the main objectors are physicians who, the pharmacy says, are upset they will be losing office visit fees.
- Susan B. Anthony List has determined that the health care repeal vote, happening soon in the U.S. House of Representatives, will be a test of anti-choice bona fides. If you vote against repealing the law, you’re pro-abortion! Nevermind all the pre-existing condition eliminations, benefits, and positive changes that the law brings about – the bill that doesn’t fund abortion whatsoever needs to really not fund abortion.
- Human Life International says the ACLU is trying to impose known carcinogens on “unsuspecting women” and force the government to pay for it. Kind of sounds like the plot of a spy movie. What is the ACLU actually doing? Urging the government to fund contraceptive coverage for women.
Jan 17
- A sex-negative diagnosis – Temple News
- Bill Gates: Cell phones can track newborns for shots –
- Transplant Surgeons Change Practices after Rare HIV Transmission – KBOI
- South African HIV Patients Face “Whoonga” Threat – Bayside News
- It’s the morning after, and GPs are not happy – Irish Times
- Community Intervention May Improve Newborn Survival – Doctors Lounge
- New Malawi Aids crusade for Annie Lennox – Scotsman
- The WHO calls for sustained investment to increase midwife numbers – The Guardian
- An award-winning midwife achieves ‘No Maternal Mortality’ – The Guardian
- Rising Above Roe v. Wade – Wall Street Journal
- Dieting while pregnant can lower your baby’s IQ – Daily Mail
- A Right Denied: The Hyde Amendment Violates Women’s Civil Rights – Huffington Post (blog)
- Anti-abortion rally draws 200 at Capitol – Helena Independent Record
- State Anti-Abortion Legislation 2010 – Bay Area Indymedia
- ACLU Tries to Silence Religious Voices, Ignores Threats to Women’s Health – Christian News Wire (press release)
- Global Commitment Urgently Needed Towards an HIV Cure: Call for a Task Force … – (press release)
- Discerning the truth about abuse – RDH
- Uganda: Male Circumcision May Help Protect Sexual Partners Against Cervical Cancer – New York Times
- Resolving mom’s grief after preterm birth key to infant’s longterm health – U-M Health System News
- More on the NC State Rep. Who Wants to Cut HIV Funding for %C2%93Perverted … – (blog)
- Kenya under probe over misuse of HIV funds – Daily Nation
- Jill Stanek continues the fight against ‘eugenic abortion’ –
- Over 10% of Young Adults With STDs Claim Abstinence – TIME (blog)
- Educating Pakistan’s girls – The Express Tribune
- Bryan County launches healthy babies program – Savannah Morning News
- Pro-Life People Care for Women and Children After Birth, Too –
- Guess who’s in the sack with Napolitano? – Tucson Citizen
- Pro-Lifers: Vote Against Repeal Equals Abortion Funding OK –
- Reports says Japanese losing interest in sex – National Post (blog)
- Pediatric Practice: Birth Control, or Baby Fever? – ADVANCE for Physician Assistants (blog)
- AmeriCorps volunteers reflect on MT experience – KPAX-TV