Roundup: Kagan Passes Committee, Conservatives Get a Little Crazy
Elena Kagan is one step closer to being a Supreme Court Justice, and the anti-choice movement is starting to foam at the mouth.
Elena Kagan is one step closer to being the next Supreme Court Justice now that the Senate Judiciary Committee has voted in favor of allowing her nomination to go to the full senate. The Judiciary committee voted 13-6 in Kagan’s favor, with Sen. Lindsay Graham (R – S.C.) being the sole Republican vote for her.
The anti-choice contingent, unsurprisingly, is livid. From World Net Daily:
A U.S. Senate committee today gave Elena Kagan, President Obama’s pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Supreme Court nominee, the go-ahead to advance on her agenda.
The vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee featured all of the pro-abortion Democrats standing with Kagan and all Republicans opposing her except South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.
The nomination now will go to the full Senate, where it still is uncertain whether pro-life GOP members will mount an effort to keep her from a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land, where her influence could be felt for the next few decades.
The opposition to Kagan in the 13-6 vote was led by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who said Kagan’s answers to the committee included “political spin.”
“Throughout her career, Ms. Kagan has placed her politics above the law. She has never been a judge, never tried a case before a jury and has practiced law for only three years,” he warned.
Lifenews is even more zealous in their depiction of Kagan as the gateway between life and death.
Pro-life groups have described Elena Kagan as the stereotypical judicial activist and abortion advocate.
She clerked for pro-abortion Justice Thurgood Marshall, whom she lauded, and her writings dating back to her college days are filled with accolades for judges who took the law into their hands and twisted it for a desired outcome rather than relying on the people through their elected officials.
Kagan helped Bill Clinton defend his veto of a partial-birth abortion ban — the gruesome abortion procedure when a baby is birthed halfway and then jabbed in the head with medical scissors, killing him or her. She helped Clinton find political cover for his decision to keep those abortions legal.
Kagan went as far as advocating that the Clinton administration not only ignore but manipulate the opinion of a national medical group that said there was never any medical justification for killing unborn children halfway out of the birth canal.
Kagan has also lauded human cloning and assisted suicide and we can expect those gruesome practices to expand if she becomes the next Supreme Court justice.
How well is the anti-choice campaign working? Well, they are certainly getting letter writers up at arms, as this letter to the editor of Seacoast Online suggests:
To the Editor:
Elena Kagen should be in jail instead of being a nominee for the highest court in the land.
Regardless of your position on abortion or gay/lesbian marriage, regardless of whether you are liberal or moderate or conservative, this lying, conniving woman has proven that she cannot be trusted to be a Supreme Court justice. Above all else, we want HONEST judges. Please contact your senators and tell them to vote AGAINST Kagen’s confirmation.
Bruce Young
Mini Roundup: Remember that episode of The Family Guy about abortion that was so controversial they couldn’t even air it? Me, neither. But apparently it’s out on DVD. And it’s still pretty controversial. Or at least, the media campaign is saying it is.
July 20, 2010
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July 21, 2010
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