Help Protect Teen Safety in Alaska!
Join Planned Parenthood to educate Alaskans and stand up for teen safety!
As you might remember, California defeated a dangerous ballot initiative two years ago that would have required any teen seeking abortion care to notify her parent. Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who called, rallied and urged voters to stand up for teen safety! While laws like this sound good on the surface, in reality they just put teens at risk. Because of you, California’s teens are able to access safe, legal medical care and counseling in a timely manner without feeling forced to seek desperate alternatives.
Sadly, teen safety is now being threatened in another state. Alaska is facing a similar initiative- and they need our help! Dust off your phonebanking skills and join us to educate Alaskans about this dangerous proposition:
What: Alaska Phonebanks
When: Tuesday, June 22nd, from 6:00pm- 9:00pm
We’ll provide a training and dinner- feel free to bring friends! Please RSVP to [email protected].