Trust Women: Documentary film featuring Drs. Hern and Carhart

A modern "Profiles in Courage"...

I thought you might be interested in supporting a documentary film about the work of abortion doctors Hern and Carhart.  Here is the filmmakers’ description of the project, with a link to offer support. They are half-way to their fundraising goal!  Click here to see the story and offer support:

“We are working on a new feature documentary about Dr. Warren Hern and Dr. Leroy Carhart, two of the last doctors in the country who perform late-term abortions.
Late-term abortions (typically defined as those performed after 24 weeks) are not “elective” abortions–they are required by law to be medically indicated, and they frequently save the life of the woman involved. But even though they’re saving women’s lives, these two doctors and their families are the constant target of attacks, stalking, and harassment from anti-abortion fanatics.
For the first time, these two doctors have agreed to participate in a feature-length documentary about their lives, and are going to let us film them and their clinics.
Both of the doctors are incredibly warm, funny, and energetic–one (Dr. Hern, who lives in Boulder, Colorado) writes poetry, takes published nature photographs, and skis double-black-diamond runs (at the age of 72!) on the side, and the other (Dr. Carhart, who lives in Bellevue, Nebraska) is an Air Force veteran who owns a horse farm with his childhood sweetheart and wife of 48 years, Mary Lou.
The biggest obstacle for these two doctors is public perception, and we want to make a film that shows what these doctors are really like, and tells the stories of some of the women they help.
We’ve started a fundraiser on to try to raise $9000 over the next month and a half. And the best part is that, if you donate, you’ll get some exciting rewards in return!
Click here to make a contribution:
Any amount you can give will make a huge difference–no amount is too small!”