Andre Baur

Ignorant governor want to be!!!!

Andre Baur is a prejudice, politician that really shows his ignorancy. Over half the children that receive free, and reduced lunch are minorities, of all races.  Maybe we should refer to him as a CRAB, no matter how hard we try to get up, him and his kind are going to continue to pull us down.  I am a Single, independent, Black woman with 3 children, I have never received AFDC, and do not live on Public assistance, I have worked honorably in the Medical Field since highschool, and I have worked long enough to support my Nursing Education, in which I am achieving now!  He needs to be careful for what he ask for, because God is not dead nor is he sleep, nor do he see color, or money!  And one of these days some of those stray children, will have to provide his TOTAL care for him.  I see it everyday people of his kind have to beg and ask those same stray children to PLEASE HELP ME!   Becuz their family don’t want a damn thing to with them!!!!!