Roundup: Specter Changes His Mind, Does Scott Brown?
Today's roundup is all about the politicians and the things they do in their attempts to keep supporters happy, some of which will backfire.
Today’s roundup is all about the politicians and the
things they do in their attempts to keep supporters happy.
First up, in an unexpected move Senator Arlen Specter
has said he will vote to ratify Dawn Johnsen,
nominee for head of the Office of Legal Counsel. This would provide the 60th
vote in the Senate and potentially break the logjam holding up her nomination.
"After voting ‘pass’ [which means no position] in the
Judiciary Committee, I had a second extensive meeting with Ms. Johnsen and have
been prepared to support her nomination when it reaches the Senate floor,"
Specter said in a statement circulated by his office.
Since last year Republicans have been blocking
Johnsen’s nomination from coming to a full Senate vote partially on the idea
that some of her past work as legal
director for NARAL made her too controversial.
During her Senate Judiciary hearing last February
Sen. Specter questioned Johnsen’s position on abortion bans. But Specter, a brand-new
"Democrat" since April, may be feeling the heat from Rep. Joe Sestak, his Democratic primary challenger, which
could explain why he changed his mind.
Meanwhile another politician that is trying to shore
up his support among women voters is Massachusetts Republican Senate candidate
Scott Brown. Martha
Coakley, the democratic candidate, issued a new television ad that highlights a
2005 amendment Brown sponsored in the state Senate that would have allowed
medical staff at hospitals to deny
rape victims a emergency contraception if it "conflicts with a sincerely
held religious belief.”
The amendment, which did not pass, was
attached to a bill that he ultimately voted for, which required emergency rooms
to provide the contraceptives to rape victims…Brown and his supporters have declined
to discuss the underpinnings of his amendment, instead trying to focus on the
fact that he supported the overall legislation. He also voted to override a
veto by Governor Mitt Romney.Brown has also declined to discuss his
amendment proposal."It’s irrelevant; it’s a red
herring,” he told reporters after Monday night’s debate, as an aide cut off
further questions.
While Brown isn’t speaking up about this amendment
his daughters are willing to come forward to vouch
for him.
Lastly Susan
B. Anthony List, the anti-choice counterpoint to Emily’s List, had
supporters gather outside Rep. Marcy Kaptur’s office in Toledo, Ohio. The
group wanted to urge Rep. Kaptur to continue her support for keeping the Stupak
Amendment in the final health care reform package. Kaptur was one of only two
Democratic women representatives that voted for the Stupak amendment.
item: Jury selection in the Scott Roeder trial is set to
begin today, just after the Kansas Supreme Court ordered Sedgwick County Judge
Warren Wilbert to reconsider
his decision to keep jury selection secret.
13, 2010
Why Do Scott Brown And The GOP Hate
Rape Victims? Air America (press
Abortion takes stage in Senate race
Boston Globe
Are we inciting unlawful sex?
Malta Independent Online
Supporter sparked by Brown’s stand
on abortion
Boston Globe
Team 4: Bob Casey Heckled By Anti-Abortion Protesters
Judge to rethink jury selection in abortion murder Washington
Sarah Palin: Criticism is a
"Bunch of BS" CBS News
Kaptur lauded for anti-abortion vote Toledo Blade
12, 2010
Planned Parenthood Director Bemoans
Lack of Info about Natural Family Planning Lifesite
Address infertility in family planning services New
More attention needed on health
Jakarta Post
Franken & Snowe Introduce
Military EC Bill Ms. Magazine
School Refused Title X Funds for
Blocking Access to Morning-After Pill Lifesite
National Right to Life sends
letters urging pro-life lawmakers in
US House Canada Free Press
the Massachusetts election: a pro-life dilemma Catholic
Judge recuses herself from trial of
Notre Dame pro-life protesters Catholic News Agency
US warnings target Bayer, Amylin,
Cephalon, Lilly Reuters
Birth Control Conundrum: Yaz, Depo
Have Disturbing Side Effects … Jezebel
Gillibrand is running scared
New York Daily News
Pro-choice activist adds lobbying
Feminists for Choice
Pro-Choice Catholic Tackles
Dogmatic Question of Abortion PR
George Tiller Murder Trial: Are
Prosecutors Trying to Silence Abortion Foes … CBS News
Abortion issue threatens health care
deal USA Today
Poor Pre-Abortion Counseling Causes Women and Men Relationship Problems
Protest Against New Houston Planned
Parenthood Abortion Center Coming Soon
Don’t use tax money to subsidize abortions
Asbury Park Press
Suspect in slaying of abortion doctor can use voluntary manslaughter defense
Los Angeles Times
Blackmun: If this is established, abortion ‘rights’ would, of course, ‘collapse’