What does health care reform mean to you?

No matter what the result of health care reform, our lives will be profoundly affected. So how do we make sure our voices are heard, and that things essential to our health aren't left behind? Why through photos, of course.

Health Care Reform Sign The debate around health care reform can very easily devolve into chaotic, and over the past few months it’s gotten diffiuclt to follow just what’s on and off the table — let alone how it might negatively or positively affect our future.


One thing we can do is make sure our representatives know exactly what we want to see happen. I, for instance, would like to make sure that birth control is covered, as is maternity care, and that things like C-sections aren’t considered pre-existing conditions. 


October 20 is the National Health Care Day of Action, and I’m happy to spread the word that Planned Parenthood of New York City is joining other Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country in holding a photo petition for real health care reform. PPNYC is asking folks to photograph themselves holding up signs asking for what they want to see included in health care reform, and then send them in. The organization will then post those online and send them into our Congressional representatives.

Because what’s more powerful than a constituent staring you in the face, asking you to make sure health care reform doesn’t leave her worse off than she was before?