Demons in Adoption
The third Annual Demons in Adoption Awards is now open for voting. Pound Pup Legacy has a great list of nominees this year. From Scott and Karen Banks for their actions in American Samoa to Bethany Christian Services for their actions in continuing coercion in CPCs, it is all there. Pick your favorite demon. My favorite is LDS Family Services.
Kathryn Joyce did a wonderful job with Shotgun Adoption. It pointed out the issues with crisis pregnancy centers. The issue with adoption is that we still have these issues going on today. Our society tends to overlook these issues with adoption. The Pro-life movement is gaining some momentum with adoption as the panacea for abortion. If we really want to decrease abortions to a small amount, we need to address the issues surrounding women, children and adoption.
She addressed some of the tactics used in adoption today. In response to the self congratulatory awards of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption and it’s Angels in Adoption, one website offers Demons in Adoption Awards. Society might ask why someone would create such a thing. It is to address the very issues addressed in Kathryn Joyce’s article. It is to bring attention to something that most people did not realize existed. It is to help bring change in adoption. It is long past the time for adoption to be reformed.
Pound Pup Legacy is a website for all members living adoption. Adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents have all contributed to it’s massive database. This database provides a huge amount of information on many if not all adoption agencies in this country. If you are considering searching, this website has information to help you find. This website helps expectant mothers considering placement. This website helps adoptive parents that are searching for a good agency. In fact, I am one of those that helped gather government investigation reports for Texas adoption agencies. Pound Pup Legacy is based on factual information, reported news events around the world, court documents, and state investigations. They have put into one database that allows you to check information on an agency. It is the most comprehensive in the world.
This year’s Demon in Adoption Awards is in it’s third year. This year’s nominees are some of the worst of the worst. LDS Family Services is a national adoption agency that ships expectant mothers to other states such as Utah in order to avoid fathers in their state or to sequester the expectant mothers from their support system. Focus on Children’s Scott and Karen Banks who were found guilty of bribing Samoan birth parents into relinquishing their children are on this list because they did not serve any jail time for hurting families on both sides of the ocean. Adoptions First is offering free California vacations if expectant mothers relinquish their children. The list goes on.
If you want to improve options for expectant mothers, stop by Pound Pup Legacy. Please vote in the Demons in Adoptions. It is time that these practices stop. If these agencies realize that they are getting a bad reputation through the adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents, they may start to regulate themselves. If the word gets out, state and federal legislators might start listening to us instead of an industry that makes a huge profit off women and children. If women have more accurate and factual information, there will be fewer abortions.