Tips For Men In Preventing Infertility
How men can prevent infertility. 50 percent of infertility cases involve men, knowing how to prevent it is very important for reproductive health.
Although most people think that fertility is only a woman’s problem, they are wrong. Almost 50 % of infertility cases involve men and about a quarter of the time, low fertility in men is the main problem. My brother has low fertility and I did not see to many posts of infertility in men so I wanted to share a few tips for men that can prevent infertility in the future.
Preventing infertility is better than treating it!
What can men do to reduce this risk? The first step would be protecting against STDs such as Syphilis and Chlamydia which can cause irreparable damage to the reproductive tract. Drinking, smoking or drug abuse is another contributor, they can damage sperm production, reduce sex drive. Smoking cigarettes affects reproductive function by depleting egg production, the best option is not to smoke, drink or use drugs!
What can men do to improve sperm count?
First step would be to stop drinking, using drugs and smoking. Taking cold showers and wearing boxers instead of tight briefs is also very important for it keeps testicular temperature low. Some specific drugs and prescription medications can reduce sperm counts so if you are on them do not forget to ask your doctor if they affect sperm count.
Have sex as frequently as possible:
The best chance for men to get their wives pregnant is to have sex as frequently as possible; the more sperm men deposit the better the chances of getting her pregnant. There is a good post here on RH reality check that mentions this: More Sex as a Solution to infertility.
Webmd also has a very good page where men can read about fertility testing and key factors to watch out for in preventing infertility. It talks about a few good points such as: Sperm and Semen Analysis, Physical Examination, Hormone Evaluation and Genetic Testing. Check out the page here: Fertility Tests for Men
Guess this was my first contribution to RHrealitycheck. I have been reading blog posts here for a few weeks now and finally decided to contribute today. This site is filled with great information and resources and I have found many answers to my questions here. Hope to contribute more in the future.