Roundup: “Personhood Amendment” Back in Action in Colorado
"Personhood Amendment" Back in Action in Colorado; Sex Education Options in Utah; Catholic Archbishop Opposes Abortion in Ghana
"Personhood Amendment" Back in Action in Colorado
Another campaign to give fertilized embryos the legal status of a person is being launched in Denver by abortion opponents, The Associated Press
reported. Supporters of the measure said they will start collecting
signatures so that human embryos will be protected, amending the state
Last year, a similar measure that classified fertilized embryos as peoplewas voted against 3-1, the AP said.
said the word "fertilized" may have confused voters into visualized
chicken eggs. The new measure will instead say "the beginning of the
biological development."
Sex Education Options in Utah
The Deseret News
recently reported that a town hall meeting will be held Wednesday
regarding a bill tht would alter Utah’s sex education curriculum. The
meeting is open to the public, the article said.
Lynn Hemingway, D-Salt Lake, sponsored the bill, which gives parents
two alternatives. One class would be abstinence-based, but would teach
strategies for waiting until marriage to have sex and offer information
about sexually transmitted infections. The other class would offer
promote abstinence, but would offer information on sexually transmitted
infections and forms of contraception, according to the article.
The meeting is being hosted by Planned Parenthood Action Council, and Hemingway is scheduled to attend.
Catholic Archbishop Opposes Abortion in Ghana
Most Rev. Philip Naameh of Ghana asked Christians to fight against the
legalization of abortion on the basis of being un-Catholic, according
At last weekend’s national convention of 800 Knights of St. John
International from Ghana, the United States, Liberia, Sierra Leone and
Togo, he also urged them to abstain from having sex and abstain from
distributing condoms.
According to the article, he said, "It would help bring the virtues of Christ into the administration of
the country and, therefore, minimize the vices associated with the
country’s governance."
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August 25: Examiner: 40 Days for Life
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August 25: LifeNews:Pro-Abortion Group to Issue Bogus Global Report Saying Abortion Helps Women
August 25: Mother Jones:Can Birth Control Use Change Your Career?
August 25: Red State:Carly Fiorina and life issues: unanswered questions.
August 25: Catholic Spirit: Wisconsin bishops object to state mandating contraception coverage
August 25: LifeNews: Taxpayer-Funding of Abortions Now the New Roe v. Wade of the Abortion Debate
August 25: All Africa: Ghana: Resist Legalization of Abortion, Catholic Archbishop Tells Christians
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August 25: Hartford Advocate:Miss Conception
August 25: Renew America: Who is really ‘wee-weed up’?
August 25: South Lincoln County News:No prescription birth control at school health centers
August 24: Deseret News: Murray meeting to discuss plan to change sex education in Utah
August 25: Wausau Daily Herald: LETTER: Reject false claims about abortion
August 25: Christian Post:Many Groups Still Believe Health Care Bill Covers Abortion
August 25: Newsweek: How Plan B Works: Six Things You Always Wondered About Emergency Contraception
August 25: New Mexico Independent: Bingaman says Congress maybe ‘ought to specify’ contraception access in benefit plans
August 25: AP: Abortion foes start push for ‘personhood’ measure
August 25: Red State: DeVore’s Abortion Critique of Fiorina Without Merit
August 25: Denver Post: Denver West principal ends his abstinence push
August 25: Lo Hud: (Letter) Planned Parenthood promotes abortion
August 25: ABC News Australia:Bligh not taking abortion laws to Parliament
August 25: TC Palm: Letter: Where does ‘health’ or ‘care’ fit with abortion?