Roundup: North Carolina Ruling Upholds Same-Sex Adoption

North Carolina court upholds same-sex adoption; Oklahoma ruling on abortion law to be appealed; high percentages of women in certain countries believe domestic violence can be justified.

North Carolina Court Upholds Same-Sex Adoption
"A three-judge panel of the state Court of Appeals this week unanimously
upheld Sen. Julia Boseman’s 2005 adoption of her partner’s child, entitling Boseman to joint custody," reports the Raleigh News-Observer.
Boseman had adopted the child in Durham County.  Boseman’s adoption was
challenged by her former partner, who argued that "a gay person cannot
adopt his or her partner’s child."

Oklahoma Ruling on Abortion Law to Be Appealed
Yesterday we reported that an Oklahoma judge ruled unconstitutional a
law requiring women seeking abortions to have ultrasounds (and for
doctors to describe the ultrasounds).  But supporters of the law are
not accepting the defeat, the New York Times reports:

Charlie Price, a spokesman for Attorney General W.A. Drew Edmondson,
said Wednesday that an appeal would be filed with the State Supreme
Court. The state will argue that the law does not violate the
single-subject rule, because all its parts are germane to abortion, Mr.
Price said.

High Percentages of Women in Certain Countries Believe Domestic Violence Can Be Justified
Akimbo offers
us a disturbing snapshot of women’s views of domestic violence
internationally: a graphic based on UNICEF data reveals the percentage
of "women aged 15-49 who responded that a husband or partner is
in hitting or beating his wife under certain circumstances."  Ninety
percent of women in Jordan agree; 75.7 percent in Mali.  A chart with
information on more countries is available here.

Other News to Note
August 20: FOX News: Obama’s New ‘Moral’ Argument for Health Care Reform: Will It Work?

August 19: Star Tribune: Courting the faithful

August 19: Catholic News Agency: FRC Action ramps up effort to exclude abortion from health care reform

August 19: NC Register: Obama Health-Care Session Dodges Abortion Question

August 20: The Sun: Trust those baby-check kits for 99p

August 23: Catholic Leader: Queensland abortion concern

August 19: NYTimes: Abortion Law Backers Vow Oklahoma Appeal

August 19: NYTimes: Obama Casts Health Effort in Moral Terms

August 19: Catholic News Agency: Pro-life coalition blocks expansion of Planned Parenthood clinic in Knoxville

August 19: Reuters: Religious Right TV ad links "Obamacare," abortion

August 19: New Vision: Adolescents need friendly family planning services

August 19: AP: Planned Parenthood worries SD clinic may shut down

August 19: CBN: Pro-Life Video Against Health Care "Abortion Mandate"

August 19: LifeNews: Pro-Life Doctor: End-of-Life Counseling is Good, But Government Can’t Dictate

August 19: SC Now: Faith-based centers plan to offer crisis intervention ministry

August 19: Telegraph: Woman faces jail for lying about rape to get abortion in Spain

August 19: Boston Globe: Faith groups weigh in on health care