Roundup: Scott Roeder is Going to Trial
Scott Roeder is Going to Trial; Abortion is Banned in Nicaragua; Florida Woman Promised Her Unborn Baby to Two Adoption Agencies
Scott Roeder is Going to Trial
At the end of Tuesday’s
hearing, a judge decided that there was enough evidence to try Scott
Roeder, an anti-abortion advocate who is accused of killing abortion
provider Dr. George Tiller. Roeder is charged with first-degree murder,
to which his lawyers entered a not-guilty plea, according to the New York Times.
family was not at the hearing, and neither were members of Operation
Rescue, an anti-abortion group whose national headquarters were moved
to Wichita, KS, which was also the home to Tiller’s clinic, the New York Times reported.
convicted, Roeder could serve a life sentence. Prosecuters say the case
does not meet Kansas’s requirements for the death penalty, which
include killing a law enforcement officer or killing multiple people,
according to the article.
is also charged with two counts of aggravated assault for threatening
two other men serving as ushers that day. One of the men was Gary
Hoepner, who had been talking with Tiller moments before he was shot.
Hoepner said he followed Mr. Roeder outside toward the parking
lot, but stopped when the man turned and called out, "I’ve got a gun,
and I’ll shoot you." Mr. Martin ran after Mr. Roeder, too, he
testified, and at one point called out to him, "How could you do that?"
The man yelled back something, Mr. Martin said, like, "he was a
murderer" or "he was a killer."When
the man reached his car, Mr. Martin was about 10 feet away, blocking
the car’s exit. Mr. Roeder yelled "Move!" Mr. Martin recalled, but he
stayed put. At that, Mr. Martin said, the man pulled out the gun,
pointed it at him, and said, ‘I’ll shoot you.’"
Abortion is Banned in Nicaragua
International called Nicaragua’s abortion ban a "cruel, inhuman
disgrace" and has led to increased maternal deaths, according to The ban includes prohibiting therapeutic abortion-terminating a pregnancy in protection of the mother’s health.
In the article,
Amnesty International’s Executive Deputy Secretary General Kate Gilmore
"Nicaragua’s ban on therapeutic abortion is a disgrace…It is a
human rights scandal that ridicules medical science
and distorts the law into a weapon against the provision of essential
medical care to pregnant girls and women."
Gilmore was part of the Amnesty group that went to Nicaragua to gather
accounts from Nicaraguan women and medical professionals, who receive
prison sentences for getting abortions or provide services linked to
abortions. CNN
reported that Amnesty concluded that doctors are nurses are afraid of
treating pregnant women or girls for illnesses like cancer, malaria
HIV/AIDS or cardiac emergencies, where treatments could injure the
fetus or cause death to the fetus.
Nicaragua is one of few countries worldwide where abortion is illegal
regardless of the circumstances. Other countries include Chile, El
Salvador, Malta, the Philippines and the Dominican Republic, according
to CNN.
Florida Woman Promised Her Unborn Baby to Two Adoption Agencies
In Orlando, FL, Latasha Harlee, 25, was sentenced to six months in jail
for offering her baby to two adoption agencies, and collecting $6,300
before telling the soon-to-be adoptive parents she changed her mind.
She also lied about her due date, according to The Associated Press.
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