An Abortion Escort’s Blog
A blog describes the encounters of abortion escorts, every Saturday morning.
If one could showcase a perfect use for blogging, it would have to be Everysaturdaymorning. The blog chronicles the Saturday morning activism of an abortion escort group as they face violent anti-abortion protestors outside of the only clinic in Louisville, KY. There is only one other clinic in the state. In the blog’s own words:
"Every Saturday morning between 30ish and 60ish people show up at 7 am to protest at and harass women entering EMW Women’s Surgical Center.
Escorts provide emotional and tactical support to clients of EMW. We do
this by using our bodies to create personal space for the people
entering the clinic. We meet clients at their cars, identify ourselves,
ask for consent to walk with them to the door, then escort the client
and support persons into the clinic."
One can’t help but empathize, for with each entry you are forced to follow, through photographs, the women and escorts as they face the violent, insensitve protestors blocking the clinic. The blog also implores action simply through the emotional power of each post.
Boingboing’s Cory Doctorow writes of his own experience as an escort:
"I used to do this at the Morgentaler Clinic in Toronto some weekends — my mother Roz was an early and prominent pro-Choice activist, and we were involved in the movement as a family from my early childhood. The hateful, violent protests at the clinic (which culminated with its bombing in 1992) were some of the most intimidating scenes I’ve ever been in."
We’ve previously written about escorts in Louisville here.