LISTEN: Rewire Writers Cristina Page and Jodi Jacobson on WBAI Radio

Cristina and Jodi discussed family planning and the economic stimulus package on New York's WBAI radio. Listen to a recording of the program here.

Today at 11 AM, on Joy of Resistance, Multicultural Feminist Radio at New York’s WBAI radio (99.5 FM),
Rewire writers Jodi Jacobson and Cristina page participated in an in-depth discussion about how and why Family Planning was removed from
President Obama’s economic stimulus package and what the implications
of this are for the future.

Click the play button below to listen to the show. The conversation involving Cristina, Jodi, Loretta and Sunsara begins at 19:18.



The full panel included: Rewire writer/editor Jodi Jacobson, author of "Change in Reproductive Health Policy? A Farce in Four Acts", Rewire writer Cristina Page, economist and author of "Sexonomics" and How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America, Loretta Ross, Founder and Director of SisterSong: A Woman of Color Reproductive Health Collective and Sunsara Taylor, writer for Revolution newspaper and a speaker on the Christian Right and Women.