Bush’s Proposal Redefining Contraception Crashes Pelosi Web Site

The Bush Administration proposal to redefine many forms of contraception as abortion struck a nerve with American voters. Rewire's "Contra-bortion?" series is generating the highest traffic in our short two year history and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's web site crashed due to the volume of traffic.

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The Bush Administration proposal to redefine many forms of contraception as abortion struck a nerve with American voters. Rewire’s "Contra-bortion?" series is generating the highest traffic in our short two year history and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s web site crashed due to the volume of traffic.

In 2005, Terri Schiavo struck a similar nerve with the American public as the far-right over-reached, attempting to keep the young woman in a persistent vegetative state against her wishes, as expressed to her husband. Young people, already enthused about this election in record numbers, understand the importance of birth control immediately, and are connecting the dots, as voters did in 2006 when the Democrats regained a majority in both Houses of Congress after the Schiavo incident.

It appears the proposed regulations prove what many progressives have been seeing in polling for several years now, that one of the core values of the vast majority of Americans, is a responsible attitude toward family planning, at home and as part of our foreign policy.

Aren’t instant focus groups fascinating?