Roundup: Obama, PEPFAR, Working Women, Contraception and Cancer
Obama makes history as pundits wonder about Clinton, as his anti-choice supporters suffer. Bryden has PEPFAR facts, but still lacks a good bill, and oral contraception reduces cancer risk.
Obama Makes History … Ending an historic primary journey that featured two talented leaders and forced the nation to look at race and gender issues in new ways, Sen. Barack Obama officially became the Democratic Nominee to be President of the United States. Obama’s uniquely American story, at a pivotal moment as Americans cry out for change after eight years of a failed Bush Administration, was capped by an extraordinary speech at the site of the GOP National Convention. An "in your face" signal that Obama is ready to take on Sen. John McCain.
Signs of healing among Democrats turned up in exit polls where Clinton voters were more likely to support Obama in the fall than they had been in previous primaries. Obama’s historic victory shared the stage with more questions about Clinton’s Veep desires, which the Obama camp seems to be ruling out. The Politco’s Roger Simon reported:
“I think there are always immediate feelings of disappointment and
anger,” Anita Dunn said. “But in the months ahead, he must appeal not
just to the constituency groups who favored her in the primaries, but
those he wants in the general election, and that includes independents
and Republicans.”Another Obama adviser, who asked not to be identified, said that he was not worried that Clinton supporters would stay angry. “Look at how many switched today to Obama,” he said.
“Look at the
Clinton supporters, look at Maxine Waters [the congresswoman from
California who endorsed Hillary Clinton in late January but switched to
Obama on Tuesday], who were passionate advocates for Hillary, but who
switched to Obama.”“At the end of the day,” he went on, “Hillary supporters will look at John McCain and decide they are not going to vote for a man who will put judges on the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade.”
While pro-choice women who supported Clinton decide whether or not they will back Obama, anti-choice Obama supporters continue to be excommunicated from the movement, a topic that has been roiling on conservative blogs for the past couple of weeks. Writing about prominent "pro-life" Obama supporter Professor Doug Kmeic being denied communion, The American Conservative notes,
… [Kmeic] has gone out of his way to propose
that Obama adopt a measure advanced by Democrats for Life that could,
in theory, reduce the number of abortions significantly in the near
term …
PEPFAR … reports that David Bryden of the Global AIDS Alliance took issue with a recent editorial by Sen. James DeMint (R-SC) who argued against funding of PEPFAR at levels proposed in the reautorization. Bryden certainly has the facts and the right argument against DeMint, if only the proposed $50 Billion bill also had the right priorities for women and girls, it would be a great step forward. Debates continue and as summer and the election approaches, the possibility of PEPFAR waiting for a President and Congress who can improve the bill may be more likely.
Maternal Health Disparity … Feminist Daily News is reporting that an Illisnois health group is launching an effort to eliminate racial disparities in maternal health.
Women’s eNews
reports that 5.9 white women died because of childbirth for every
100,000 live births in Illinois in 2004 , compared to 14.8 African
American women. IMCHC‘s goal is to cut the gap between maternal mortality rates for white and black women in half within the next ten years.
Oral Contracpetion Prevents Cancer … RedOrbit reports on a new scientific study that showed a 12 percent decrease in cancer risk for women using oral contraception. Does that make contraception opponents "pro-cancer"?
Ask a Working Woman … If you’re are a working woman and want to have your voice heard in this election, respond to this online survey from the ALF-CIO.