Michigan Abortion Bill Could Come to Vote This Week
A symbolic bill designed to force Michigan state legislators to take a stand on certain abortion procedures appears to be rearing its head once again this week.
A symbolic bill designed to force state legislators to take a stand on
certain abortion procedures appears to be rearing its head once again
this week, about a month after Democratic legislators managed to fend
off a vote on the bill.
The Lansing-based Citizens for Traditional Values on Monday sent an
e-mail alert to its members titled, "Partial Birth Abortion Vote Coming
May 21-22; Forces Finally Negotiate Their Surrender." The e-mail said
House Speaker Andy Dillon, D-Redford Township, had "personally
(face-to-face) assured" Right to Life Michigan President Barb Listing
that Senate Bill 776 would come to a vote this week.
The bill would ban the removal of a fetus until the head or fetal trunk
is outside a woman’s body with the intention of aborting it. The
procedures banned by the bill are collectively referred to by opponents
as partial birth abortion, though the term has no medical relevancy.
SB 776 allows for exceptions only in situations of threat to a woman’s
life. It is a replica of a federal law that was upheld by the U.S.
Supreme Court in January. Michigan is covered under the federal law.
Supporters of the bill failed to secure a vote in April during a
right-to-life legislative day. It passed the Republican-led State
Senate bill in January, and has stalled since in the Judiciary
CTV, which lists its mission as "to promote and defend Judeo-Christian
values in society and government," urged its members to contact their
state representatives and pressure them to support the bill.
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