New Staff Writers Join Rewire
Rewire is thrilled to welcome three talented and accomplished staff writers: Pamela Merritt, Dana Goldstein, and Sarah Seltzer.
Rewire is delighted to welcome three new staff writers to the site. They are the talented and accomplished:
Pamela Merritt, contributor to Salon and Shakespeare's Sister and frequent guest on NPR's "Tell Me More" with Michele Martin. Pamela also writes for and maintains her personal blog. Pamela's cultural commentary will appear on the site every Thursday.
Sarah Seltzer, contributor to Bitch, Women's eNews, Venus Zine, Publishers Weekly, and more. Sarah will be writing a weekly column taking aim at the portrayal of women, feminism, and sexual and reproductive health issues in pop culture. Look for her column every Thursday.
Dana Goldstein, writing fellow at The American Prospect, and freelancer for Business Week and In These Times. She is also a blogger on TAPPED. Dana's political writing will appear on Rewire every other Tuesday.
Pamela, Sarah, and Dana join Rewire's Amanda Marcotte, whose no-holds-barred takes on anti-choice wingnuttery in all its glorious forms you've come to expect every Wednesday. And Amanda's also the host of my healthiest (and cheapest) addiction, our podcast, RealityCast.
Please give our new writers a warm welcome!
In the coming months, Rewire will also be significantly expanding its investigative reporting capabilities. Stay tuned for a winter and spring full of articles digging far below the surface on parenting, population and security, abortion bans-in-waiting, the anti-choice opposition, sexual communication and culture, medical students and choice, and, of course, election 08!