Voting Irregularities
Well, it appears that we have more to worry about than just what was shown on Machinist's table of the states with the highest chance of having votes lost, miscounted, or not even tallied at all.
At one California polling site, the electoral inspector had to send voters to other polling stations because neither the machines nor the ink that goes into them had arrived in time for today's Super Tuesday festivities. They ended up accepting hand-marked ballots, but that slowed down the voting process, and on a workday, people want to get in, vote, and get out.
We all knew this day was coming. So, what, they just forgot to send the polling equipment in? The article didn't say, but I think it would be interesting to find out what neighborhood this happened in--was it a neighborhood composed primarily of people of color? Was it a neighborhood in a lower socioeconomic bracket? Or was it just some random neighborhood, in which case my little conspiracy spidey-sense will shut up.
That's not the end of the story, though. In Virginia, hundreds upon hundreds of people showed up at polling centers today, only to find them closed. Their primaries aren't until next Tuesday. Who knows how many people were turned away today, and out of sheer frustration, won't show up again next week?
Well, it appears that we have more to worry about than just what was shown on Machinist's table of the states with the highest chance of having votes lost, miscounted, or not even tallied at all.
At one California polling site, the electoral inspector had to send voters to other polling stations because neither the machines nor the ink that goes into them had arrived in time for today's Super Tuesday festivities. They ended up accepting hand-marked ballots, but that slowed down the voting process, and on a workday, people want to get in, vote, and get out.
We all knew this day was coming. So, what, they just forgot to send the polling equipment in? The article didn't say, but I think it would be interesting to find out what neighborhood this happened in–was it a neighborhood composed primarily of people of color? Was it a neighborhood in a lower socioeconomic bracket? Or was it just some random neighborhood, in which case my little conspiracy spidey-sense will shut up.
That's not the end of the story, though. In Virginia, hundreds upon hundreds of people showed up at polling centers today, only to find them closed. Their primaries aren't until next Tuesday. Who knows how many people were turned away today, and out of sheer frustration, won't show up again next week?