Plugging Brian Lehrer, Jenn Pozner

Today's Super Tuesday media buffet gives me a chance to plug one of my very favorite things about living in New York City, which is our local public radio station, WNYC, and in specific the Brian Lehrer Show. I tell you, if I could implant a chip with Brian's show in my brain to listen to it all day long, I would. I think I'd like it better than listening to my subconscious, and I'd definitely be smarter. Right now, he's talking to New Yorkers in batches -- the undecided, Kennedy voters, up now, college students, next, Reagan and Bush voters, then immigrants, doing, as he calls it, the "informal, unofficial thoroughly unscientific Brian Lehrer Show exit poll." And beginning at 7pm EST, Brian will be anchoring WNYC's coverage of the returns.

Also, check out Women in Media & News director Jenn Pozner's interesting take on the media's treatment of John Edwards. Here's a snippet:

Faced with a candidate who was taking a hard line against the corruptive influence of corporate capital over political leadership and legislation, who was refusing to accept lobbyist money, and who was speaking out against media consolidation, all of a sudden it didn’t matter so much that Edwards had the ethnicity, the genitals, the bank account and the religious pedigree media look for when deciding whom to endorse. His anti-corporate, pro-populist rhetoric was far from the stuff of media-happy soundbites, so much so that corporate media were willing to partially suspend the race and gender biases that the industry usually uses to torpedo the political ambitions of women (of all ethnicites) and people of color.

Today's Super Tuesday media buffet gives me a chance to plug one of my very favorite things about living in New York City, which is our local public radio station, WNYC, and in specific the Brian Lehrer Show. I tell you, if I could implant a chip with Brian's show in my brain to listen to it all day long, I would. I think I'd like it better than listening to my subconscious, and I'd definitely be smarter. Right now, he's talking to New Yorkers in batches — the undecided, Kennedy voters, up now, college students, next, Reagan and Bush voters, then immigrants, doing, as he calls it, the "informal, unofficial thoroughly unscientific Brian Lehrer Show exit poll." And beginning at 7pm EST, Brian will be anchoring WNYC's coverage of the returns.

Also, check out Women in Media & News director Jenn Pozner's interesting take on the media's treatment of John Edwards. Here's a snippet:

Faced with a candidate who was taking a hard line against the corruptive influence of corporate capital over political leadership and legislation, who was refusing to accept lobbyist money, and who was speaking out against media consolidation, all of a sudden it didn’t matter so much that Edwards had the ethnicity, the genitals, the bank account and the religious pedigree media look for when deciding whom to endorse. His anti-corporate, pro-populist rhetoric was far from the stuff of media-happy soundbites, so much so that corporate media were willing to partially suspend the race and gender biases that the industry usually uses to torpedo the political ambitions of women (of all ethnicites) and people of color.