Gloria Steinem and Melissa Harris-Lacewell on Race and Gender in Election 08
Check out Democracy Now's discussion with Gloria Steinem and Melissa Harris-Lacewell, professor of politics and African-American studies at Princeton University.
After reading Gloria Steinem's op-ed comparing Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy to Barack Obama's in the New York Times last Monday, did you (a) hurl your copy of the Times across the kitchen table, (b) make your first campaign contribution to Hillary for President, or (c) crave an hour-long discussion with Gloria Steinem, pioneer of the women’s movement, and Melissa Harris-Lacewell, professor of politics and African-American studies at Princeton University, and moderated by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now? If c's your answer – or even if not! – check out this segment, a spirited, uncompromising and frank conversation among these three highly sophisticated thinkers.