HPV Vaccine Debate Highlights Hypocrisy
The HPV Vaccine is the topic of an opinion piece today by James Waggoner of Advoates for Youth in the Washington Post. He calls for a common sense approach, based on sound science, that would vaccinate young women with this cancer preventing, thus life-saving, medicine. He writes in opposition to the Family Research Council, which argues the "pro-life" position is not to encourage vaccination, but keep it voluntary.
One would think all parents could agree on vaccinating their children against one common cancer, as the HPV vaccine does. But social conservatives oppose this because they fear it will make young people more likely to have sex. Hypocrisy abounds. Some experts have suggested making the vaccine mandatory and we agree.
The HPV Vaccine is the topic of an opinion piece today by James Waggoner of Advoates for Youth in the Washington Post. He calls for a common sense approach, based on sound science, that would vaccinate young women with this cancer preventing, thus life-saving, medicine. He writes in opposition to the Family Research Council, which by argues the "pro-life" position is not to encourage vaccination, but keep it voluntary.
One would think all parents could agree on vaccinating their children against cancer, as the HPV vaccine does. But social conservatives oppose this because they fear it will make young people more likely to have sex. Some social conservatives oppose contraception, but use it. Hypocrisy abounds. Some experts have suggested making the vaccine mandatory and we agree.
Like Mr. Waggoner, we hope common sense prevails over ideologues whose beliefs endanger children by ignoring public health and science.