DAY 357: Bush Silent on Contraception

Tuesday we reported on the silence from the White House over several questions about the President's views on contraception spanning nearly one year. Highly relevant, because his adminstration has so clearly attempted to thwart their use as a proven means of protection from STDs/HIV and unwanted pregnancy at home and around the world. Today, we join our friends at Birth Control Watch in counting the days of this unanswered question, with this accounting from the conservative publication Human Events:

During Tony Snow's first official press conference, a reporter asked him – out of the blue -- whether President Bush was personally opposed to family planning (Snow was too shocked to answer the question, although the President has just one set of twins). While Hillary and her cohorts might think that Republicans are anti-family planning because there are so many prominent Catholics working in the Bush administration, the truth is that the vast majority of Catholics, even Republican Catholics, don't agree with the Church's teachings on artificial contraception.

We saw the video, Tony did not look shocked, he just didn't have an answer, so why spin it? As for "out of the blue" that is a little hard to explain after 357 days. And one question, exactly which church teachings are people allowed to disagree with? If you could clear that up for the rest of us we could end lots of distracting debates and get back to the real business of finding common sense soultions to real world problems.


Tuesday we reported on the silence from the White House over several questions about the President's views on contraception spanning nearly one year. Highly relevant, because his adminstration has so clearly attempted to thwart their use as a proven means of protection from STDs/HIV and unwanted pregnancy at home and around the world. Today, we join our friends at Birth Control Watch in counting the days of this unanswered question, with this accounting from the conservative publication Human Events:

During Tony Snow's first official press conference, a reporter asked him – out of the blue — whether President Bush was personally opposed to family planning (Snow was too shocked to answer the question, although the President has just one set of twins). While Hillary and her cohorts might think that Republicans are anti-family planning because there are so many prominent Catholics working in the Bush administration, the truth is that the vast majority of Catholics, even Republican Catholics, don't agree with the Church's teachings on artificial contraception.

We saw the video, Tony did not look shocked, he just didn't have an answer, so why spin it? As for "out of the blue" that is a little hard to explain after 357 days. And one question, exactly which church teachings are people allowed to disagree with? If you could clear that up for the rest of us we could end lots of distracting debates and get back to the real business of finding common sense soultions to real world problems.