Can Donald Trump pardon himself? What happens next if he tries? Whose fault is it that the pardon became so powerful? And how did the pardon even come to exist, anyway? Rewire.News legal eagles Imani Gandy and Jessica Mason Pieklo answer all of these questions and more on the latest episode of Boom! Lawyered.
When it comes to favorites on the Supreme Court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg gets a lot of love. And it’s deserved! But in the latest episode of Boom! Lawyered, Rewire.News legal experts Jessica Mason Pieklo and Imani Gandy explain why someone else is deserving of the same—and possibly even more—love: Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Imani and Jess confront an extraordinary overreach by the Department of Justice. After failing to prevent immigrant minor Jane Doe from obtaining an abortion to which she's legally entitled, the Department is now asking the Supreme Court to punish the ACLU attorneys who represent her. Why? Because they dared to do their job. Listen to learn what this might mean for those attorneys – and for all of us.
Jessica Mason Pieklo was inside the courtroom as the Supreme Court heard arguments in NIFLA v. Becerra, which will decide whether a clinic can be required to reveal whether they are a licensed reproductive health-care provider or an unlicensed fake clinic. Here, she talks with Imani Gandy about the key arguments, memorable moments, and potential outcomes from the morning's events.
When a pregnant person walks into a clinic, should that clinic be forced to reveal whether they are a licensed reproductive health care provider or an unlicensed fake clinic? Rewire.News legal eagles Imani Gandy and Jessica Mason Pieklo break down NIFLA v. Becerra, the Supreme Court case that's about to answer that question.
In the latest episode of Boom! Lawyered, Rewire's #TeamLegal experts Imani Gandy and Jessica Mason Pieklo discuss a Supreme Court case that could spell the end of public sector unions as we know them.
Jess and Imani explain the laws and policies that pipeline pregnant people into the criminal justice system. Then they speak with the reproductive justice advocates at the SIA Legal Team about their important work on behalf of people who self-induce abortions.
Jess and Imani delve into the laundry list of state abortion restrictions already introduced in 2018. Spoiler alert: not only are anti-choice legislators drafting many different kinds of restrictions, they are also employing new legal strategies to try and undo Roe v. Wade one bad bill at a time. Listen and subscribe to learn more.
Jess and Imani explain which states are trying to prevent you from voting, why the Department of Justice went from helping to hurting, and how this all might play out in the courts in 2018.
Jess and Imani talk with Rewire's Jenn Stanley and Sofia Resnick about a new audio documentary that dives deep on Operation Save America, an organization committed to a theocratic vision of America, and the alarming ways their ideology has wormed its a way into state and federal government. Jess and Imani also unpack the key laws involved, including the FACE Act and the concept of "justifiable homicide."