
Here Comes the Next Generation of Leaders

Here comes the next generation of leaders. Ever since the Stupak amendment forced students nationwide to wake up from their complacency surrounding the fight for choice and comprehensive women’s health care, there has been a reinvigoration of student passion, verve, and drive to act. Two weeks ago, I wrote about the first Students Stop Stupak rally (http://www.amplifyyourvoice.org/u/Leah627/2009/11/15/STUDENTS-STOP-STUPAK) that we planned here at Harvard University. That event proved a success: upwards of a hundred people, undergraduates, graduate students, and engaged passersby, joined in to protest. Shouting, “Health Care YES, Stupak NO” and “Stop Stupak Now!” we forced Cambridge residents, Harvard students, and local and national media to listen to us.

Should We Fight Sexting or Sexism?

In her reader diary, Leah627 writes: The recent sexting scandal in Pennsylvania provokes questions about technology, the role of parents vs. the government in education, and sexism.

Oregon Reaches for the STARS

In her reader diary, Leah627 writes about the Oregon program STARS, a peer-led abstinence curriculum which teaches middle school students that "Students Today Aren’t Ready for Sex."