Kasey Rae Jacobs
Kasey Rae Jacobs is in Copenhagen covering “Population and Climate Change” for the Center for Environment and Population (CEP). Kasey is a Master of Environmental Science Candidate at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (YSFES). She researches climate change adaptation for coastal communities, island territories, and island nations. Her work includes areas such as Connecticut, Long Island, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and West Sumatra, Indonesia. Kasey received a B.S. in Environmental Science-Biology from Southampton College at Long Island University. After graduation Kasey worked as Program Coordinator for Citizens Campaign for the Environment. She is currently a presenter for The Climate Project, a Tropical Resources Institute Fellow, and the 2008 Renate W. Chasman Brookhaven National Lab Women in Science Award Winner. She is attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP 15) in December 2009 as part of the YSFES delegation. Her COP 15 blog on population can be seen at www.cepnet.org.